Monday, January 24, 2011


We need to fill seats for our show and make money for farmworker children's health needs. Please let us know about any newsletters, websites, e-mailing networks, and meetings where we might make an announcement. Any way that we can get publicity.

You might also be able to refer us to potential financial supporters, businesses or services that might take an ad. in the program, and volunteer help (anything from outreach to nuts-and-bolts practical help - theater should be a community involvement). To help our outreach, request a pack of flyers and posters.

Call us : 831 - 234 - 2067 (Susan Russell) or e-mail - nicosuz @
We also have Our Blog :

FINANCIAL APPEAL - Theater is one of the most engaging ways to put across a message, but it's also expensive. Please consider being a Financial Sponsor to cover such costs as theatre rental, fees to Lighting technician, and publicity materials. We welcome advance contributions of any size.

Each sponsorship of fifty-five dollars upward includes two tickets to any of four show dates. Over seventy dollars includes four tickets. You may choose to donate specifically to enable low income workers to see this show. We regret Workers Theater Company is not a registered non-profit, so we cannot offer a tax benefit.

We plan to pass on 30 per cent of all ticket sales to a suitable fund providing health care to farmworker families. Your generosity helps us fulfill that task.

1 comment:

  1. I want you to know what I have been working on because it is very important that we all know what the scientists are saying about this new pesticide scheduled to be used here in March
    Many are going against their employers because their employer owns the patent to this chemical, So they are literally risking their careers to tell us the truth.

    After you watch these call the Gov. and tell him to stop this from being used in CA and the country.

    This is very important information on a cancer causing chemical that has been registered These are the actual Hearings from the state capital.

    1) Senate Informational Hearing: W/Senator Dean Florez and Asm. Bill Monning : Evaluating the Report of the Scientific Review Committee on Methyl Iodide to the Department of Pesticide Regulation.

    2) Assembly Labor and Employment Committee hearing, Asm. Bill Monning chair: on Methyl Iodide

    Please let me know at if you have any questions your earliest convenience if you would like any more information.
    Call or write the Gov. and get him to reverse the registration.

    I have edited these hearings
